“Learning to speak a new language and understanding the way that language functions helps us become compassionate citizens of the world. I want students to understand that language builds our capacity for human connection and expands our perception of the world we live in.”
Courses Taught
Roanoke College
Span 201-Intermediate Spanish I (Fall 2022, Fall 2024)
Span 202- Intermediate Spanish II (Spring 2023)
Span 303- Spanish for Written Communication (Spring 2024)
Span 304- Spanish for Oral Communication (Fall, 2023, Spring 2024)
Span 306 -Spanish as a Heritage Language (Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
Span 335- Sounds of Spanish (Spring 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
INQ 260 LI- Language and Social Identities (Fall 2023)
Penn State- Erie, The Behrend College
SPAN 1- Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 2- Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 3-Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 100- Intermediate Spanish II: Grammar and Composition
SPAN 200- Advanced Grammar and Composition
SPAN 131- IberoAmerican Civilizations
SPAN 215- Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 496- Advanced Spanish Conversation
CI 280- Teaching English Language Learners
Indiana University- Bloomington
HISP S430 (Teaching Assistant) The Acquisition of Spanish
HISP S308- Conversation and Composition
HISP S326 - Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
HISP S280- Spanish Grammar in Context
HISP S250- Intermediate Spanish II
HISP S200 - Intermediate Spanish I
HISP S105 - First Year Spanish (Elementary I, II, accelerated).